Science Advisory Committee
Terms of Reference
The Science Advisory Committee is IM@IT’s principal scientific advisory committee. The Committee shall consist of eight to ten members selected from academia and industry (both national and international) to provide a balance of multidisciplinary scientific expertise. Members will be appointed for a fixed term of three years with the possibility of an extension up to a further three years. No member shall serve for more than six consecutive years. SAC has no executive powers or liability.
Terms of reference are:
To advise the General Assembly of IM@IT on Operations and Development with respect to:
- the current status and future prospects in relevant areas of scientific research, including opportunities and their potential scientific impact;
- the actions necessary for IM@IT to make a relevant contribution to these areas, e.g., investment in instrumentation, techniques, and prioritization;
- areas of current scientific activity which are declining in relevance;
- analysis of the achievement of IM@IT about its mission.
The SAC should provide a broad based and long-term view considering experimental techniques, service, and training available at IM@IT national sites and complementary neutron scattering techniques accessible through its “User-Hub” at ISIS Facility, and at other neutron Large Scale Facilities.