Team category: Instrument contact

  • 31/05/2023
    Associate Professor of Organic Chemistry • Molecular recognition studies by NMR spectroscopy. • NMR-based conformational analysis of bioactive compounds •…
  • 30/05/2023
    Technical responsible of mass spectrometry laboratories belonging to Proteomics and metabolomics platform
  • 30/05/2023
    Prof. Fulvio Magni is one of the leading experts on mass spectrometry and its applications to biomedical research, not only…
  • 30/05/2023
  • 23/01/2023
    He is currently a research fellow at University of Milano-Bicocca, the research interests include Earth Observation and imaging spectroscopy and…
  • 10/01/2023
    Georgia Predila is Ph.D student in the group of Prof. Christoph G. Salzmann, Professor of Physical and Materials Chemistry at the…
  • 10/01/2023
    Jinjie Li is Ph.D student in the group of Prof. Christoph G. Salzmann, Professor of Physical and Materials Chemistry at the…
  • 22/12/2022
    SM did his master thesis at the University of Basel designing a new control software for an ultra-cold atoms experiment…
  • 22/12/2022
    AM did his PhD and postdoc at ETH Zürich in ultra-cold atoms before joining QZabre as a co-founder. At QZabre…
  • 22/12/2022
    Christoph G. Salzmann is a Professor of Physical and Materials Chemistry at the Department of Chemistry at University College London…