2023 Roadshow in Florence, an opportunity for public and private stakeholders

By: Shibl Gill, February 2024


Roadshow 2023 of the Research Infrastructure ISIS@MACH ITALIA was held in Florence on the 5th of February 2024 at Polo Scientifico Universitario di Sesto Fiorentino, Area della Ricerca del CNR di Firenze.

Further details and agenda are provided below.





09:00 Welcome coffee


10:00 Welcome Claudio Sangregorio, ICCOM-CNR – Director Istituto di Chimica dei Composti Organometallici CNR; Piero Baglioni, President CSGI


10:10 Brief introduction of participants & speakers


10:30 Robert McGreevy, STFC (UK) – Neutron User Facilities in Europe, a valuable resource for a wide range of science


Please see this link to view Professor Robert McGreevy’s presentation 


11:15 Carla Andreani, University of Rome Tor Vergata – ISIS@MACH ITALIA Multidisciplinary User Facility in Italy, from life science to engineering


11:45 Q&A participants & speakers


13:00 Lunch


14:30 Closing


Science Highlights

Testing the resilience of electronics for the Internet of Things

Building a catalogue of amino acid neutron scattering interactions

Investigating hydration in ancient Egyptian leathers

Recreating the deepest point on Earth

The science behind extra virgin olive oil’s antioxidant properties

Deterioration of ancient Egyptian sandals