3rd International Summer School on Science-based Formulation – Florence, Italy

13 July 2024University of FlorenceFirenze (Italy)
Registration Deadline: May 10th, 2024


For further information, see the event flyer, agenda, and visit the official Summer School website.


   The 3rd International Summer School on Science-Based Formulations will take place in Florence, from the 1st to the 3rd of July 2024. The School is organised by the Department of Chemistry “Ugo Schiff” of the University of Florence and the Consorzio Interuniversitario per lo sviluppo dei Sistemi a Grande Interfase (CSGI).

   The 1st Edition (2022) was held in Bari (Italy). The 2nd Edition (2023) took place at the Fater Business Campus, Pescara (Italy). The number of participants has been limited to 50 in the first 2 editions, while it will be increased to a maximum of 100 participants for this 3rd Edition.

   Formulation science is a discipline where chemistry, physics, materials science, chemical engineering, and pharmaceutical/food technologies meet. Formulation science has limited space in university curricula, but it is of fundamental importance for industry.

   The School welcomes Ph.D. students, Post-Docs and researchers from Academia and Industry. Through lectures given by internationally recognised experts, participants will have the opportunity to learn or expand their knowledge about the basics and applications of formulation science. Participants will also have the opportunity to present and discuss their research activities, interacting both with lecturers and other attendees.