A successful collaboration – Prof Maria Chiara Carrozza, President of the CNR, Italy, visits ISIS

On 24 February 2022 ISIS welcomed President of the CNR, Italy, as one of the facility’s longest collaborations.



​The collaboration between CNR and ISIS is long and productive, covering a broad range of research and instrument development, with the most recent agreement signed in Autumn 2021. Part of this is the ISIS@MACH partnership​, a new Research Infrastructure based in Italy in the Region Lazio. A new proposal has been developed to extend this, providing additional access with a focus on SMEs (small to medium enterprises), capitalising on the potential of neutrons to support post-COVID recovery.


ISIS is developing a new instrument programme, Endeavour, and has long term plans for a new facility, ISIS-II.  We hope Italy will continue to be partners in these projects, given the significant contri​bution the collaboration has made, encompassing both research and instrument development.​


The CNR President was in the UK to present reforms to Italian research in the framework of ‘Horizon Europe’ and the Recovery and Resilience Plan – more here​.​