Access for Industry

We always welcome new industrial users at IM@IT.

The business goal of IM@IT provides academic and industrial users with specialised skills, tools, and services, strengthening competitiveness at the industrial level and fostering scientific excellence. Enterprises, associations, and research organisations are surveyed to draw a representative scenario of the IM@IT reference market in terms of categories (based on their mission, ownership, and size), areas of interest and potential benefits. The hybrid nature of the research infrastructure facilitates the formation of consortia targeting specific problems of national relevance, and share expertise on best practice in user access to MRFs and LSTFs.

IM@IT Unit Facilities have established links with severals companies from academicsmall and medium-sized companies to large households. Industrial Users can boost their research and development activities which directly benefit from the value that science at IM@IT can bring to their business.  Our industrial partners can consultant leading experts and fast-tracked and fully confidential services. There are a variety of mechanisms to provide external users access to IM@IT instruments that include proprietary access, partnerships with academia, and the Collaborative R&D Scheme which is specifically geared towards the needs of industrial partners. We also have links to, and can advise on, ISIS Facility and other national RI’s or European initiatives that provide industrial access to other neutron facilities.
Recently IM@IT lunched a for expressions of interest to academic and industrial users received over 160 feedback from public & private stakeholders from Universities, Associations, Research Centres, SMEs, Foundations, Research Infrastructures, Public Agencies, Italian Ministries (Figure 3) (Annex – Public & Private Stakeholders) (figura “Business Model and specific success criteria” below). The analysis of the survey shows the users’ needs and the area of interest of stakeholders. On this basis suite of SRFs and MRFs are being implemented to provide a timely user access to technological problems and highly specialised science project, respectively. SRFs are expected to have a stronger impact on SMEs, while the unique level of skills in MRFs will intercept the high level of science, innovation and technology most frequently found in Large Enterprises and Research Organisations.

For an informal discussion on how we could benefit your company or to apply for industrial beamtime please contact

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A geographical visualization of the public and private stakeholders of IM@IT

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