Mass Spectrometer 2
General Information
Orbitrap Fusion Tribrid mass spectrometer for the analysis of molecules and supramolecular complexes with ultra-high resolution for proteomics, structural proteomics and other omics sciences. The instrument supports multiple fragmentation modes (CID, HCD, ETD) and their combinations and is coupled with a nano-flow UHPLC EASY-nLC 1000, enabling automated, high-performance LC/MS for the analysis of complex biological matrices.

Tecnical description
The Orbitrap Fusion mass spectrometer enables the analysis of molecules and supramolecular complexes in the 50-6,000 m/z range, with high resolution (up to R=450,000), scan rate (MSn up to 20 Hz), mass accuracy ( 5,000) and sensitivity (100 fg total amount of the reserpine standard). The instrument is characterized by a great flexibility of scan protocols based on multiple fragmentation modes, i.e. collision-induced dissociation (CID), higher-energy collisional dissociation (HCD), electron-transfer dissociation (ETD) and their combinations, that can be performed in two different collision cells (quadrupole or linear ion trap) and analyzed by two different analyzers (linear ion trap or Orbitrap). These features support bottom-up, top-down and middle-down proteomics studies and enable high-throughput and high-depth analysis of small molecules, peptides, proteins, post-translational modifications, protein-ligand interactions, and other polymers. Quantitative shotgun proteomics can be implemented by either stable-isotope or label-free approaches. The instrument is equipped with a regular and a nano electrospray ionization (ESI) sample source and can be coupled to a nano-flow UHPLC EASY-nLC 1000, enabling automated, high-performance LC/MS analyses of complex biological matrices. Proteomics data analysis is performed by the software Proteome Discoverer 2.2.
Research areas and applications
Clinics, Integrated Biology
Science highlights
Experimental team

- Rita Grandori
- University of Milano Bicocca
- Professor

- Carlo Santambrogio
- University of Milano Bicocca
- Post-Doc