General Information
FEG-SEM with a nominal resolution of 1.2 nm, equipped with an integrated EDS/WDS micro-analytical system and with an EBSD detector for the crystallographic analysis of the sample surface

Tecnical description
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Zeiss Gemini 500 with a Field Emission Gun (FEG). The microscope can operate with an accelerating voltage between 1 kV to 30 kV and has a nominal resolution of 1.2 nm. In addition to the common “in-camera” BSE (Backscattered) and SE (Secondary Electron) detectors, the instrument is equipped with “in-lens” detectors (BSE/SE) for high-resolution imaging and with a STEM detector for the observation of thin specimens or biological samples in transmission mode. The FEG-SEM is also equipped with a Bruker integrated EDS/WDS (Energy Dispersive/Wave Dispersive) micro-analytical system, specially designed for light elements. Finally, the FEG-SEM is equipped with an EBSD (Electron Backscattered Diffraction) detector (Bruker) for the crystallographic analysis of the sample surface. The EBSD comes with the Argus FSE (Forward Scattered Electrons) and BSE detector for the acquisition of orientational contrast images. The wide gamma of detectors makes this instrument a very powerful characterization tool for the investigation at a sub-micrometre scale of solid samples and biological tissues.
Research areas and applications
General mineralogy, advanced organic-inorganic hybrid functional nanomaterials, mineral forms for nuclear waste, dangerous airborne mineral dusts and fibers, REE and critical metals
Science highlights
Experimental team

- Giancarlo Capitani
- University of Milano Bicocca
- Professor