General Information
The TEM FEI is very useful for the morphological and structural characterization of inorganic, organic and biological materials in bright field mode. Crio-ultramicrotomy for the preparation of ultrathin sections for TEM observations is also available.
Tecnical description
Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) FEI Tecnai G2 Spirit TWIN with LaB6 source, equipped with:
– FEI Eagle 4k CCD camera (bottom mounted)
– Olympus SIS MegaView G2 CCD Camera (side mounted)
Key specifications
– Acceleration voltage: up to 120 kV
– Line to line resolution: 0.20 nm
– Magnification range: 18x – 650.000x
The TEM laboratory is equipped with a LEICA EM UC6/FC6 cryo-ultramicrotome for the cryo-sectioning of samples for TEM observationsResearch areas and applications
The TEM FEI is very useful for the morphological and structural characterization of inorganic, organic and biological materials in bright field mode. Crio-ultramicrotomy for the preparation of ultrathin sections for TEM observations is also available.
Science highlights
Experimental team
- Gennaro Gentile
- Researcher