General Information
Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) with LaB6 emitter, 80-200 kV accelerating voltage, point-to-point resolution of 0.24 nm, EDS micro-analysis, 9 Mpx CMOS camera.

Tecnical description
Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) JEOL JEM 2100 Plus with a LaB6 emitter. The accelerating voltage can be set between 80 and 200 kV. The high-resolution objective pole piece allows a point-to-point resolution of 0.24 nm in TEM mode. The instrument can operate in STEM (scanning) mode and can acquire BF (Bright Field) and HAADF (High Angle Annular Dark Field) images with a nominal 1 nm resolution. The microscope is equipped with and 80 mm2 Oxford Energy Dispersive System (EDS) for spot analysis and chemical mapping and with a 9 Mpixel Gatan CMOS camera for image acquisition. A special in-gap aperture allows to reduce the damage on beam sensitive materials, as biological samples. The wide tilt range (+/- 45° with a standard double-tilt holder) along with the wide range of detectors and the high-resolution capability, makes this instrument a very versatile one.
Research areas and applications
nanoparticles, semiconductors, hazardous mineral particles and fibres, proteins, citotoxicity studies, cell ultrastructure, nanoplastics
Science highlights
Experimental team

- Giancarlo Capitani
- University of Milano Bicocca
- Professor

- Melissa Saibene
- University of Milano Bicocca
- PostDoc