TEM High Resolution
General Information
The Thermo Scientific Talos F200X STEM is a 200 kV FEG (Field Emission Gun) Analytical Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope (S/TEM), that combines outstanding high-resolution STEM and TEM imaging with industry-leading energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) signal detection. The Talos F200X scanning transmission electron microscope allows for the fastest and most precise EDS analysis in all dimensions, along with high-resolution TEM and STEM (HRTEM and HRSTEM) imaging with fast navigation for dynamic microscopy.

Tecnical description
The instrument allows for one of the best HRTEM imaging, and one of the fastest and most precise EDS analysis in all dimensions (1D-4D) at the state of the art. The applications are wide from energy materials, process control, and material science. A ULTRAMICROTOME RMC PowerTome PC with CR-X Cryosectioning system for the preparation of ultra thin sections for electron microscopy. The study of biologic samples, polymer, rubber or metals is also available
Research areas and applications
3D chemical mapping of complex systems and interfaces; material science; microscopy; morphology; elemental analysis; nanostructure
Science highlights
Experimental team

- Alessandro Lavacchi
- Researcher

- Maria Cristina Salvatici
- Researcher

- Beatrice Muzzi
- Staff Researcher