Ultrafast spectroscopy facility
General Information
Optical spectroscopy Lab with amplified and tuneable fs-lasers and parametric amplifiers and detection chains for transient spectroscopy. Criomagnet for magneto-optics and single particle spectroscopy
Tecnical description
Amplified laser from Ultrafast with OPA and delay line for transient transmission measurements. Various optical detection chains from fluorsescence spectroscopy from cw to <10ps in the UV-Vis-NIR. Criomagnet with direct optical access for magnetospectroscopy). The laboratory is completed with a single particle spectroscopy setup also coupled with ultrafast lasers and potentiostatsts for spectro-electrochemistry in controlled conditions.
Research areas and applications
Optical spectroscopy of ultrafast processes in nanomaterials, photon management, optoelectronic and photonic materials and devices
Science highlights