Instrument type: Photons

  • 08/01/2024
    Multipurpose diffractometer for the collection of wide-angle (WAXS) and small-angle diffraction (SAXS) data on bulk materials, powders, thin films, epitaxial…
  • 14/12/2023
    The ESCALAB QXi X-ray photoelectron spectrometer is a multi-technique platform for XPS, UPS, REELS and ISS spectroscopies, also equipped with…
  • 07/06/2023
    Rigaku SmartLab SE is an X-ray powder diffractometer for thin film diffraction, SAXS, pole figure, residual stress and non-ambient experiments,…
  • 04/10/2022
    Xenocs XEUSS 3.0 system operates in SAXS (Small Angle X-ray Scattering), USAXS (Ultra SAXS) and GISAXS (Grazing Incidence SAXS) modes.…
  • 10/01/2022
    X-ray scattered in the angular range of 0 – 10° detected by CCD or imaging plate, and up to 60°…