Fluorescence Microscopy

General information



Key instrumentation
Nonlinear excitation fluorescence

Development of new methods for optical non-linear microscopy to be applied to biophysics and medical physics in-vivo. In this field the Biophotonics group is developing two-photon excitation fluorescence imaging microscopy and second harmonic generation microscopy. One of the main application aims to the study of the motion of lymphocytes in lymph nodes in order to model the immune response of mice. This work is being carried out in collaboration with the Biotechnology group of our University.

Technical description
The instrumentation is based on a BX51 microscope coupled to a scanning head for raster scanning biological samples. The excitation is given by a femtosecond laser tunable in the range 680 nm - 1040 nm with peak power of 3.5 W, 80MHz of repetition rate. The laser source allows to induce non-linear absorption in biological samples and recover images in fluorescence (two-photon excitation) or second harmonic generation signals.
Science highlights

Experimental team

Instrument Scientist