Scanning electron microscope with field-emission source, equipped with detectoirs for EDS, backscattered and secondary electrons
FT-IR Nexus

FT-IR Nexus

Nicolet Nexus 870. Instrument for FT-IR spectroscopy and microscopy, model Nicolet Nexus 870, equipped with external optical table, two external detectors (MCT e TRS), GeATR, one Hind photoelastic modulator, and one IR Continuµm microscope.
Raman Confocal Microscope

Raman Confocal Microscope

Microscope inViaTM QontorTM model, with excitations at 532 and 785 nm, with motorized XYZ stage, flexible arm and Raman imaging techniquesx
Evolved gas analysis system

Evolved gas analysis system

Based on thermogravimetric analysis combined with FTIR: TGA Perkin Elmer Pyris 1 coupled to a Perkin Elmer Spectrum™ Frontier FTIR spectrometer by a TL 8000 transfer line with a 10 cm gas cell. The transfer line and gas cell can be heated to 300 °C to avoid...