Raman Confocal Microscope

Raman Confocal Microscope

Microscope inViaTM QontorTM model, with excitations at 532 and 785 nm, with motorized XYZ stage, flexible arm and Raman imaging techniquesx
HR Evolution – Horiba

HR Evolution – Horiba

The spectrometer has a focal length of 800 mm, two grids (1800 and 600 grooves / µm), and a CCD detector (1024×256 px, -60 °C). There is also a 9-position filter system (from 100 to 0.01%) for EDGE and ULF (Ultra Low Frequency). The green Nd laser source (532 nm)...


Scanning Electron Microscope with field emission source, equipped with SE, BSE and Environmental (GSED) detectors, EDS system (Oxford Inca Energy System 250), heating stage (FEI) and tensile/compression test module (Gatan MST200).
Zeiss Gemini 500

Zeiss Gemini 500

Accelerating voltage between 1 kV to 30 kV, nominal resolution of 1.2 nm. In addition to the common “in-camera” BSE and SE detectors, the instrument is equipped with “in-lens” detectors (BSE/SE) for high-resolution imaging and with a STEM detector. The FEG-SEM is also...