by Massimo Bonini | May 23, 2023
DMA Star Systems – Mettler Toledo – allows Dynamic mechanical analysis to measure the mechanical and viscoelastic properties of materials as a function of temperature, time and frequency.
by Chiara Cilona | Oct 4, 2022
FIB-SEM with simultaneous milling and EBSD. The intrument allows preparation of high-quality ultra-thin TEM lamellae, delayering processes in technology nodes, precise nanopatterning and high-resolution 3D reconstructions.
by Chiara Cilona | Oct 4, 2022
Scanning electron microscope with field-emission source, equipped with detectoirs for EDS, backscattered and secondary electrons
by Chiara Cilona | Oct 4, 2022
Xenocs XEUSS 3.0 system operates in SAXS (Small Angle X-ray Scattering), USAXS (Ultra SAXS) and GISAXS (Grazing Incidence SAXS) modes. It is equipped for measurements on powders, pastes, gels, liquids and films, temperature control and robot for automation of...
by Chiara Cilona | Oct 4, 2022
Nicolet Nexus 870. Instrument for FT-IR spectroscopy and microscopy, model Nicolet Nexus 870, equipped with external optical table, two external detectors (MCT e TRS), GeATR, one Hind photoelastic modulator, and one IR Continuµm microscope.
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